No. 531 (2018): Mercurio Peruano

Carátula del número 531

Cenntenial issue

This issue completes the one-hundredth volume of the journal, the inaugural issue of which was published in July 1918. The monographic section offers memories of the founder of the review, as well as reflections on the intellectual position of Víctor Andrés Belaunde, the ideals of the editors of the first Mercurio Peruano and news of the intellectual atmosphere in a group of friendly relationships. They were professors and journalists, gathered weekly in a gathering when they start this publication.

Memories. Ideal. Belaunde ultramodern. The intellectual atmosphere of the journals of 1918. Universal mentality in San Josemaría. Pessimism in Hobbes. The books of Bartolomé de las Heras. The republican liturgy. Lisonja in Arequipa. Federico Prieto's gaze. Notes. Reviews.

Published: 06-07-2018
