Víctor Andrés Belaunde and the intellectual debate on the Peruvian reality


  • Ricardo Cubas Ramacciotti Universidad de los Andes (Chile)


Belaunde was, since his youth, a severe critic of the national disorders; he was above all a believer in what Basadre later called the "promise of Peruvian life", ie, "an ideal of individual and collective improvement" to be obtained by the integral development of the country; "the exploitation of its riches, the defense and increase of its population, the creation of a minimum of welfare for every citizen and opportunity for them". The promise implied for Belaunde the formation of a space with an identity and a common tradicion that does not exclude, but integrate the various local cultures.


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How to Cite

Cubas Ramacciotti, R. (2016). Víctor Andrés Belaunde and the intellectual debate on the Peruvian reality. Mercurio Peruano, (529), 27–37. Retrieved from https://revistas.udep.edu.pe/mercurioperuano/article/view/1180



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