El valor probatorio de la prueba por indicios en el nuevo proceso penal


  • Percy García Cavero


Circumstantial evidence, indirect evidence, indication, evidentiary value


The present article deals with the evidentiary value of the so-called circumstantial evidence. It starts by making some general considerations such as concept, denomination and elements, to then describe the diverse phases involved in the process of producing such evidence in the new structure of the penal process. In the last part of the work the requisites needed for this evidentiary modality to acquire evidential value in terms of proving allegations from the parts in the penal process are mentioned and developed alongside with the national legislation and jurisprudence.


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Author Biography

Percy García Cavero

Abogado por la Universidad de Lima. Doctor en Derecho por la Universidad de Navarra (España). Profesor Ordinario Principal de Derecho Penal de la Universidad de Piura. Socio del Estudio Loli, García Cavero & Castillo Abogados. Ex becario de la Fundación Alexander Von Humboldt. Presidente de la Comisión Descentralizada del Indecopi Piura. Cónsul honorario de Alemania en Piura y Tumbes.



How to Cite

García Cavero, P. (2019). El valor probatorio de la prueba por indicios en el nuevo proceso penal. Revista De Derecho, 11(1), 53–69. Retrieved from https://revistas.udep.edu.pe/derecho/article/view/1528

