Call for papers 2025


Call for Papers - Volume 25 of the Journal of Law of the University of Piura

The Journal of Law of the University of Piura invites academics, researchers, and professionals from the legal field to submit original articles for its Volume 25, scheduled for 2025. This issue will focus on the analysis and reflection on various contemporary legal issues, covering theoretical and doctrinal topics as well as practical and methodological cases that promote discussion and the advancement of different branches of Law in both academic and professional contexts.

Submission Guidelines

Articles must adhere strictly to the following guidelines without exception. Those that do not comply with the editorial recommendations will be returned for adjustment before being considered by the Editorial Board for review.

The submitted manuscripts must be complete when submitted for publication; no modifications will be allowed unless properly justified and authorized by the Editorial Board. Authors are encouraged to carefully read and critically review the text, particularly its writing, syntax, and spelling in names, acronyms, and bibliographic data.


The editorial focus of this journal is to promote the development of knowledge in the field of Law, through the dissemination of theoretical, legal, case-based, and methodological material on various legal issues and their practical application. By publishing original academic papers, the journal seeks to contribute to the reflection and advancement of legal disciplines, fostering an intellectual debate that drives the evolution of the legal field in both academic and professional contexts.

Research Articles

Original, unpublished research articles from all branches of law, both national and comparative, will be published. These articles should offer significant contributions to the development of different legal disciplines, providing criteria for analysis and interpretation of the law that are valid and useful for the readers. Submissions will only be accepted in Spanish. Articles should include the title, an abstract of 200-300 words, and 3 to 5 keywords, both in Spanish and English. The length should be between 20 and 40 pages (approximately 9,000 to 18,000 words in total).

As a guideline, the following structure is suggested for the articles:

  • Introduction
  • Development
  • Conclusions
  • Bibliography
  • Legislation and Jurisprudence cited
  • Appendices and/or annexes

Book Reviews

The journal will publish reviews of recently published bibliographic works related to the field of law. Reviews must include the bibliographic data of the book being reviewed: author(s), year of publication, book title, city of publication, publisher, and total page count. If a specific chapter within a book is being reviewed, the chapter title and the start and end pages must be included. Reviews will only be accepted in Spanish. The length should not exceed 5 pages.


Submitted works must follow the style guidelines of the Journal of Law, which are detailed below:

For full-length works (articles), the original text must be presented in either Spanish or English and comply with the following parameters:

  • Alignment: Paragraphs must be justified.
  • Line spacing: One and a half.
  • Font: Pt Serif.
  • Size: 12 pt.

The total length of the work should be no less than 20 pages and no more than 40 pages. The first page must include the following information:

  • Title of the work.
  • Name, academic affiliation, and email address of the author(s).
  • Two structured abstracts, one in Spanish and the other in English, of 200-300 words each, which should include: Objectives of the study, methodology employed, and a brief mention of the main conclusions. It should not contain information not present in the main text.

After the abstract, three to five keywords should be listed (in both languages).

Finally, a horizontal table of contents should be included, with a maximum of four levels (I., 1., A), a), as follows:

    1. TITLE IN CAPITAL LETTERS AND ITALICIZED. A) Title in italics. a. Title without italics.

Book Reviews: The Journal of Law accepts reviews of important books or other academic works. The length of the reviews should not exceed 5 pages. Note that the maximum time for the reviewed book should be no more than 2 years.

The structure of the review should be as follows:

  • Title of the publication.
  • Summary by chapters.
  • Final comments and/or critique.
  • Recommendations.

Citations and Bibliographic References Guidelines

General Guidelines: The author(s) of a work must cite their information sources by identifying the author and the publication date of the materials used in the body of the text. This citation method allows the reader to locate the source in alphabetical order in the References list at the end of the paper.

If direct quotes are used, they should be enclosed in quotation marks if under 40 words, and if the quote exceeds 40 words, it should be presented in a block format with indentation and without quotation marks.

Citations and bibliographic references should follow the APA citation system. For reference, you can consult the following guide:

All lines after the first line of each entry in the references list must have a hanging indent.

Specific Application of Guidelines in the Journal

The following are detailed instructions to guide authors in applying the citation system required by the journal.

Books: Last Name(s), Initial(s). (Year). Title of the book (Edition). Publisher.

Journal Articles: Last Name(s), Initial(s). (Year). Title of the article. Title of the publication, Volume (Issue), pp-pp.

Chapter or Article in a Book: Last Name(s), Initial(s). (Year). Title of the article or chapter. In Initial(s). Last Name(s) of the editor(s), Title of the book (ed., pp-pp). Publisher.

Electronic Journal Article with DOI: Last Name(s), Initial(s). (Year). Title of the article. Title of the publication, Volume (Issue), pp-pp.

Electronic Journal Article without DOI: Last Name(s), Initial(s). (Year). Title of the article. Title of the publication, Volume (Issue), pp-pp. http://...

Complete Legal References: At the end of the bibliographic references, all legal or regulatory references cited in the work must be listed under the title Normas. This list should only include the norms actually cited or referenced in the work.

For a law citation:

Country. Law number and official name (if available). Title of the official publication, date (day, month, year).

Complete Jurisprudence References: At the end of the bibliographic references, all jurisprudential references should be listed under the title Jurisprudencia. This list should only include the cases cited or referred to in the work. The cases should be listed alphabetically.

For each case, indicate:

Country. Venue: Court, Session. Judgment No./year, date (DD/MM/YYYY). Last name, Initial of the Rapporteur, Last name, Initials of the Tribunal members, Last name, Initial. Dissenting member (disc.).

It is also recommended to include volume, year, sections, page numbers, DOI, or URL, if applicable.

In case of citing international jurisprudence, use the reference system of the courts or tribunals where the judgment originated.

If a judgment has been published by two different publishing venues, the author should only cite the one used in their work.