Las medidas para contrarrestar la crisis de la eurozona y su impacto en el modelo social europeo


  • Cesare Pinelli


European Social Model, Global Financial Crisis, Institutional Assessment


The Author seeks to demonstrate that the impact of the eurozone’s financial crisis on
the European social model is due both to scarce capacity of the EU political institutions
in managing that crisis and to the fact that, in the last decade, the launch of the
European social model was not accompanied with the political conditions aimed at
meeting the challenges posed from a powerful non-regulated global financial market.
To this end, after having exposed the main features of the EU economic governance,
the author draws attention on the instruments (Six pack, Fiscal Compact, ESM) recently
adopted from the EU or its single member States with the aim of reacting to the
financial crisis. According to the Author, the failures of these instruments depend on
the national governments’ anawareness of the risks posed from the current crisis for
the whole construction of the EU.


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Author Biography

Cesare Pinelli

Doctor en Filosofía del Derecho por la University of Rome Tor Vergata y Profesor de la Facultad de
Derecho de la Universidad de Piura.



How to Cite

Pinelli, C. (2019). Las medidas para contrarrestar la crisis de la eurozona y su impacto en el modelo social europeo. Revista De Derecho, 14(1), 177–197. Retrieved from

