Los derechos de la generación electrónica en el ámbito laboral


  • Ana Aba Catoira


ICTs, workers’ fundamental rights, entrepreneurial control faculties, Internet, entrepreneurial control facultieselectronic mail, electronic mail


The aim of this paper is to provide readers with the legal situation of the exercise of
workers’ fundamental rights through electronic means. The idea is to contextualize
the traditional conflict between the workers’ rights and the entrepreneurial control
faculties in a framework characterized by the use of Information and Communication
Technologies to communicate, work and produce. The absence of specific regulation
in this matter is a source of constant conflicts which courts have had to resolve due
to the numerous litigations posed by the imposing of disciplinary measures for the
improper and abusive use of these tools in the work place.


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Author Biography

Ana Aba Catoira

Doctora en Derecho. Profesora Titular de Derecho Constitucional de la Universidad de La Coruña
(España). Magistrada-Jueza sustituta de los Juzgados de La Coruña. Miembro-cofundadora de la
Red Feminista de Derecho Constitucional. Miembro de la Red Derecho TICs.



How to Cite

Aba Catoira, A. (2019). Los derechos de la generación electrónica en el ámbito laboral. Revista De Derecho, 12(1), 257–281. Retrieved from https://revistas.udep.edu.pe/derecho/article/view/1560

