
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines



1.- Topics of interest: The Revista de Derecho publishes original research papers about any branch of the Law; nevertheless, efforts will be made to achieve that a majority of the papers published in each issue be related to a specific topic of preference, announced in advance.


2.- Submission of originals: Only unpublished papers are suitable for submission; in the event that meanwhile a submitted paper gets published elsewhere, authors should at once send notice to the Secretariat, in order to withdraw them from publication in our Review, if still possible. Originals will be sent in Spanish or English, written in Microsoft Word or compatible format. They are to be sent by e-mail to the Director or the Secretariat of the Review at the following addresses: Only the papers directly submitted to these address will be taken into account.


            By way of exception, already published works may be admitted. Nevertheless, the procedure referred to in paragraph 6 will also be applied to these works, with the necessary adaptations.


3.- Format: Originals must be submitted in Spanish or English and comply with these parameters:


- Row spacing: 1.5

- Font: Time New Roman

- Size 12 points


            Total length of the paper shouldn’t be less than 20 pages nor more tan 40, or between 10,000 and 12,000 words, footpage notes included. At the first page the following information should appear:


- Paper’s title

- Author’s or authors’ name, academic affiliation, and email address

- Two structured Abstracts, one in Spanish and one in English, at about 250 words each, along the following lines: objectives and scope of the study, methodology followed and a brief mention of the main conclusions. It shouldn’t incorporate information that doesn’t appear in the main text.

- Following the Abstract, from three to five keywords should be included, in each of the two languages.

- Finally, a horizontally-disposed Summary, with four levels at most (I.1.A.a), according to the following model:

  1. TITLE IN SMALL CAPS, BOLD AND ITALICS. 1. TITLE IN SMALL CAPS AND ITALICS. A) Title in italics. a. Title without italics.


4.- Editorial Guidelines


  1. a) In general, an author’s academic affiliation and email address should go in the first footnote, marked by an asterisk (*). Aknowledgements and clarifications –if applicable- should go in the second footnote, marked by a double asterisk (**).


  1. b) Authors shall use the APA system of citation. Therefor, they are referred to the following guide:


            Footnotes will be used to elaborate on data not to be included in the main text, such as further clarifications or additional sources of information. Mere references devoid of further elaboration should be inserted in the main text, in brackets. E.g: (Sempere, 2009, 50).


            Every footnote must be marked in the main text with a superindex arabic number, and that same number shall mark the note at the foot of the respective page. Font of the footnotes shall be 10 points at single space.


  1. c) Conclusions: Excepting the reviews of other works, all contributions to the Revista de Derecho should have a final paragraph containing its conclusions.


  1. d) Bibliography: At the end of each collaboration a list should be included of the literature used, in alphabetical order.


5.- Reviews of books or other academic works: The Revista de Derecho accepts reviews on books or other academic works of significance; the extension of such reviews should not exceed of 5 pages.


  • Submitting procedure and peer review: The Editorial Board will decide the publication of the papers upon reception of a favourable report from external anonymous evaluators, following a “double-blind” peer review system.


  • After submission, every work will be reviewed for originality verification and, eventually, plagiarism detection. This preliminary review may also be used to verify compliance with formatting and citing requirements.


  • Following a positive preliminary review, the works will be sent to appropriate reviewers. Reviewers issue recommendations along the following lines:


o Accepted in its current form.

o Acceptable after some changes to be implemented by the author.

o Potentially acceptable after reelaboration and another review.

o Rejected.


            These recommendations and comments by the reviewer will be notified to the author and put into practice, as the case may require.


  • If at the preliminary review or at any other stage a case of suspected plagiarism is raised, the Board will proceed according to the ethical rules followed by the Revista de Derecho.


  • Following a negative preliminary review on the grounds of a lack of compliance with the formatting and citing requirements of the Revista de Derecho, the author will be required to amend and resubmit his work.


            Authors of the accepted papers could be required for the correction of proofs, to be returned within 5 days. Substantial changes won’t be allowed at this stage, and corrections should be limited to format, orthography or external redaction.


6.- Detection of plagiarism: Paper submission and subsequent publication procedure is founded on the honesty principle. Nevertheless, the editorial Board will rely on the Turnitin utility tools in order to verify the required originality of the submitted papers and, eventually, detect possible cases of plagiarism, before the works are sent to peer-reviewers.


7.- Publication Ethics: The Revista de Derecho adheres to the rules of the Commitee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and will strive to follow to the utmost practicable extent the procedures outlined in the flowcharts published by it in Spanish, at


8.- Copyright: By the fact of submitting their contributions, authors bestow on the Editorial Board reproduction rights of the accepted papers, be it in the Revista de Derecho or in other academic journals; in particular, the right to publish them in the printed and digital issues of the Review, as well as in databases and other collections in which it is indexed.


9.- Warning: Any breach of these rules constitute grounds for the rejection of the originals submitted.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.